A lighthouse. Since he died in 2017, his work has formed a centre of my work. Here we link to resources arising from his work and vision.
Robin Murray publications & media - Articles, podcasts, videos - With brief abstracts Robin Murray handlist of titles A quick reference to the long list
To enlarge your search neighborhood to include the wikis below, click the link >> 1-economy.federated.wiki formaciontalk.federated.wiki pivotal-mutual.federated.wiki 2020college.federated.wiki
# See also
1 Making the living economy Work celebrating and extending the vision and commitments of radical economist, social venturer and humane, inquiring, attentive listener, **Robin Murray**, who died in 2017.
Formacion - Activist formations and 'the generative dance of knowing Production was a central orientation in Robin Murray’s practice, and 'formacion' was a significant variant of this - especially in the latter part of his life, with Synergia, Schumacher College & the Coop University. But it's not something he addressed much on the page. This wiki makes an attempt at that. This wiki is the script for a 14 min video - view it here YouTube Also mirrored in surveillance-free hooktube
Dual power & the pivotal mutual sector Work in progress @ jan2010 on a chapter for 'A book for Robin' (Robin Murray) **Dual power, the pivotal mutual sector and practice in the commons - From economics to organising**.
A college - A webinar proposal for Open2020 This is a proposal for a webinar and a project, being floated at Open2020. The proposal involves . . pattern language(ing), a dual-power politics of commoning and a distributed, federated college. It concludes with three proposed initial actions.