A distributed federated college

I’ve begun to organise around an intention for **‘a college’** of formacion. It arises from a network of folks around a ‘significant figure’ in my recent (and long-standing)activism: radical economist Robin Murray, who died in 2017. Robin Murray

Since Robin died I’ve been co-convening a network of friends and colleagues who admired his work and vision, and seek to continue extending and mobilising it. He was a terrific ‘practice and theory’ person, and the college aims to be practice-and-theory too.

He fostered a vision of **‘living economy’** and was a committed social venturer - in Fairtrade, in waste economy, in community housing - as well as being Chief Economist of the Greater London Council in the 80s. I was a colleague at the GLC.

The college is framed as **a federation of social ventures**, adopting the **DisCO** format presented in a recent Open2020 webinar by Stacco Troncoso of P2PF/Commons Transition. video, notes