
**Verbs** - green twig verb-forms rather than dead-tree nouns? This is a core thing with me - and I go further than most with this . . I haven’t willingly used ‘knowledge’ as a construct for 25 years . . instead I always seek to address **practices of knowing**, in specific cultural formations.

> There is no such thing as knowledge! What's real is historical formations of people (cultural formations), actively **knowing** the world into shape, and in the process, constituting their own capability to produce, cultivate, vision and organise.

This is because I’m a culture hacker, and see **the forming of the formations** (which will make the living economy) as where the rubber hits the road. The digital means are ‘just tools’ . . which doesn’t mean they’re not complicated, hard to steer, or wilful.

At the centre of my work, then, is **’formacion’**. This is the word that a significant figure in my circle preferred, to speak of **the work of formation-forming**. It's unfamiliar, in English. But there seems to be no English word that does the same service; and using Spanish ripples off nicely into various shades . . - **education** - educación, enseñanza, formación, instrucción, pedagogía, cultura - **formation** - formación, nacimiento, aparecimiento - **making** -fabricación, elaboración, creación, confección, construcción, Yes, that sounds about right!

# See also

Formacion is the central principle of the college of conviviality. Here we assemble resources to underpin this unfamiliar term, adopted from the langage of radical economist-venturer, Robin Murray. In due course we will rewrite these into a coherent page.