First thoughts

I’m on my third pass in two years, trying to get what DigLife is about - and the penny has finally dropped . . partly thanks to a rich presentation by Christina Bowen, Joachim Stroh and Graham Mitchell, and partly due to being in a few conversations with Graham Mitchell. video, slides

On previously looking at DigLife, it seemed to be a bunch of tools (why these tools, compared with others? wasn’t entirely obvious) and a bunch of loosely affiliated people with loosely coherent values. It looked like a great big hangout. It’s only now that I can see the projects/s that are at work, and the formations that are cohering. This puts a different complexion on things.

Are the tech movements cohering a bit now - platforms, tools, protocols? Feels to me like they may be.

Still plenty of fragmentation though - diverse **aesthetics** and **narratives**? The digital-oriented folks may increasingly be coming into federations around FLOSS protocols. But there are many **activist formations around ‘new economy’** that don’t participate in this digital-oriented movement of alignment, and remain as fragments: - most coop folks - ‘new municipalists’ and maybe ‘Next System’ organisations (ironic, that) - some ‘schools’ of solidarity economy and local (or global) environmental organising - Fair Traders and regional-food organisers - older-Left formations that haven’t yet seen past the gross Bitcoin manifestations of hashchains, etc.

And all the millions who still don’t get what’s wrong with using Facebook/WhatsApp/Twitter ‘like everybody else’. So, there is a lot of work to be done - including **federating and protocolling - outside the digital sphere**?

Here I’m looking to find some connection with the DigLife community around the following, which are commitments of my own, evolved over a year or two (and over decades) . . - Verbs - a focus on understanding **practices** and, fundamentally, the practice of **making** practices. Which is to say . . - Cultural formations - and formacion: the skilful work of *forming* of formations. To be conducted through . . - A distributed federated college, running on . . - Pattern language(ing) and federated **wiki** - Commons/commoning at the core; and commitments to . . - Tools for conviviality - cultural-institutional as well as digital. Thus, culture hacking as well as (prior to?) code hacking?