Digital Life and tools for conviviality

Here we explore issues around tools for conviviality, and projects being conducted in the space of Digital Life Collective.

First thoughts - Are the tech movements cohering a bit now? Still plenty of fragmentation though - diverse **aesthetics** and **narratives** in activist formations around ‘new economy’?

A generative framework of 'tools for conviviality'. . - Verbs - a focus on understanding **practices** and, fundamentally, the practice of **making** practices. Which is to say . . - Cultural formations - and formacion: the skilful work of *forming* of formations. To be conducted through . . - A distributed federated college, running on . . - Pattern language(ing) and federated **wiki** - Commons/commoning at the core; and commitments to . . - Tools for conviviality - cultural-institutional as well as digital. Thus, culture hacking as well as (prior to?) code hacking?